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What are the five systems of endoscope camera equipment?

Released on Dec. 21, 2020

Medical endoscope equipment is mainly composed of equipment system and surgical instruments, which refers to equipment system: camera system, imaging system, light system, video recording system, thus the endoscopic equipment refers to the five systems: camera system, imaging system, light system, image recording system, surgical instruments.Camera system: it refers to the endoscope camera. Currently, single chip and three chip are used in the market for endoscope cameras. More commonly used single chip cameras are enough to meet the needs of major hospitals.

Video system: refers to the display, according to the size and divided into 19 inches,22 inches, 24 inches, 26 inches, 32 inches, etc., to provide a large picture, clear observation range, restore more real, more colorful.

Light source system: Now most use high brightness LED cold light source, high brightness, strong stability, service life of up to 50,000 hours, close to natural light, more real image effect, more layer sense.

Video recording system: Many hospitals now choose computer-based graphic workstations.

Surgical instrument system: mainly classified by department or operation name.

There are endoscopes (laparoscope, otoscope, nasal endoscope, arthroscope, etc.), special instruments, surgical instruments and disposable surgical consumables used in various departments.

Advantages of endoscopic equipment:

(1) Reduce the time of endoscopy, rapid capture.

2 with video recording, storage function, can be the lesion site image stored for easy to view and continuous control observation;

(3) realistic color, high resolution, clear image, the image after special processing, can be enlarged image, easy to observe;

(4) Use the screen to display images, achieve 1 person operation many people watch at the same time, for disease consultation, diagnosis, teaching;

Using endoscope body natural holes or when necessary to open a few holes, the doctor just endoscopic lens into the body, skillfully through other surgical instruments and video display system can be carried out in in vitro in airtight operation, widely used in laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, intervertebral foramen mirror, arthroscopy ureteroscopy, bladder, ent mirror, mirror, etc.